He's a quiet guy who doesn't say much, but when he does, you stop and listen.
He's also a devil when it comes to playing pranks on people. He loves playing them on me because I'm an easy target. He loves to hear me say, "ohhhhh that's gross", or "ewwwww".
I can't even start to tell you stories about him because I could go on, and on, and on.
He's also gorgeous and has a six pack that would make Brad Pitt envious. When I was a young teenager, I had friends coming out of my ears, most of them 5 or 6 years older than me. They started off wanting to get close to me because of Duncan, but because of my own personality, they eventually wanted to be friends with me, just for me.
We had a dog once, Teddy. Duncan loved all our dogs and Teddy was no exception. I don't remember too much as I was very little but one day Teddy got hit by a car and everyone thought he was a goner.
Duncan and I (so he tells me) took care of him. We kept him in a wheelbarrow and looked after him night and day. One day Teddy hopped out of the wheelbarrel and took off. He had damaged one of his legs so much that it wouldn't work, so he took off on all three's.
Teddy lived for a long time after that!
Duncan has a garage next to his house, where as a hobby, he restores old cars and trucks. On the weekend while he does this, all his buddies come over and drink beer.
I asked him once if his friends had a nickname for him. No, he replied, but then he thought about it for a minute and said, yeah they do, they call me Doc.
He's home on holiday and his birthday was on Saturday.
This was my birthday present to him..............