Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What Can I Say?

I was a bit rough on Jim, Lemuel's, Greedy Maelstrom, friend yesterday. It wasn't anything personal towards him, but more of a "bone to pick" with some Catholic priests.
Not the horrendous damage some have done to children, but more of a personal nature.

There was this priest in our small community when I was a young teenager. He was openly attracted to the opposite sex and made no bones about it. The older people in the community were die hard Catholics and just saw him as being friendly to the younger generation. They didn't believe for one minute that he was a horny toad, as we(young people) all knew he was.

A few years later, one summer I was home on vacation. We were at the local beach enjoying ourselves for the day. Later on that evening we were all sitting around the table enjoying dinner, when the phone rang. My mother answered and said it was for me. I took the call and who was it but that priest, saying he had saw me at the beach that day and would like me to join him as his guest at a concert the following evening. I said no. When I got back to the table, all my family wanted to know who it was and what they wanted. I was mortified and embarrassed. I felt like some floosy he thought he could pick up.

Another time years later, a good friend of mine died and we had a party in memory of her after the funeral. I went over to the priest and thanked him for a beautiful ceremony.
He continued to show up in places where I would be. At the time, my life was in turmoil and I desperately needed guidance. Who better to turn to than a priest that I had come to trust and respect?
Making a long story short, I found out that the only reason he was so anxious to help me was because he wanted to get into my pants. I also found out that, at the funeral that day, he was enquiring around who was the attractive woman with the great legs.

I was devastated for being duped by a man of the cloth, especially after confiding some very personal things and him knowing how much I needed help. I had also decided on giving the church another chance after being away from it for so long.

All that came out of it was running into another horny toad. These experiences have not soured me completely, I'm just more aware that wolves do come in sheeps clothing.

I'm tired while I'm writing this so please forgive me if some parts are hard to follow.
I'm very sorry Lemuel if I did not come across as compassionate.


Lemuel said...

a) I did not take you comments as a sign of your lack of compassion.
b) had I had your experience, I would have reacted with less restraint than you did.

There is no need for you to feel sorry. There is a need others to express their regret (hopefully true) to you.

I am sorry that you experienced such things, but I want you to feel free to react honestly as you comment on any of my posts. Your straightforward comments are your best gift to me.


maggie said...

Dear Sweet Lemuel, thank you very much for your comments. Hugs!!!
When I post about past experiences, I am only sharing things that have happened to me.

I hate sympathy, it makes me feel like I am weak. Which I am not!!

Life is surviving situations that are thrown in your path (good or bad) and hopefully learning from them. :)

Anonymous said...

Well now, I'm glad you two worked that out.


maggie said...

Hi BG, Thank you for that sweet comment!! We do like our hugs, don't we?

Perhaps You, Lemuel and I can have our own Ménage à trois......
avec prise de l'ours seulement!!
(with bear hugs only) :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds naughty for a housewife/mommy.


I'll get back to you on that....

maggie said...

Dear BG, Hahahaha!!!!

Depends on who you're hugging.
And I don't think you have to worry about Lemuel. It would be definitely platonic!! :)
Right Lemuel?

steve'swhirlyworld said...

You are forgiven...that will be 3 Our Fathers and 2 Hail Marys...said the ex-Catholic to the ex-Catholic :)