Monday, June 09, 2008

An Unholy Experience

I have had a few unholy experiences with men hiding behind their "White Collar".
They never went anywhere because I never allowed them too.
Someday I'll talk about them but not now.

But I do want to talk about a recent one. It popped into my memory after reading a post on The Greedy Maelstrom's Blog. Remember the good......forget the bad, old habits die-hard.

As you all know if you have been reading my blog, I was in the hospital for about a week early in May. On the fourth day after my surgery I was up and about on my walker. I had to get exercise twice a day and walk around the floor I was on.

This day happened to be Sunday and as I was doing much better, I was being friendly talking to people. I noticed an older gentleman (60's) wearing a nice sweater and dress pants standing in the hallway. I stopped to talk and it turned out he was a Eucharistic Priest, distributing The Host to patients. For those of you who don't know, in the Catholic Church, The Host represents The Body of Christ and is very sacred. He had them in a silver container and a prayer book in his other hand. He asked me if I would like to receive it. I said, "yes, I would very much ".

We went into my hospital room and I sat on the chair beside my bed. He sat across from me. Before he gave it to me, he started asking me if I knew how beautiful I was and how lonely he was. I was very much taken back by this turn of conversation and I said no. All I wanted was to receive The Host and didn't know how to handle this situation. I forget what I said but he got down to business and we said the Lord's Prayer together and then he gave me Communion.(that's what we call The Host).
It was one of the weirdest experiences, almost surreal, we're praying and he's hitting on me!!!

I didn't say anything to anyone but on my last day when I was leaving, I decided to tell one of the nurses. Only because he might say or do something to another woman and most patients are seriously medicated. And usually they are much older than me and not as capable of protecting themselves.

A Devil in Sheep's Clothing, comes to mind...........


Lemuel said...

OK. So where does this guy live so that I can punch him out?

I think it good (and on the brave side) that you alerted the staff to this man's behavior. From your description, I am assuming that it did not go further than his "attempt", but even that I know has serious impact, not to be written off.


maggie said...

Lemuel, What a doll you are! My knight to the rescue!!!
I wrote about it because your post reminded me of it. I don't think he could do much damage physically, it was just a shame that it was done under the guise of religion.

Ur-spo said...

that does sound creepy; I hope he was merely talking about beauty in the esoteric, but it sounds a stretch.

maggie said...

Uh Spo, no. But I love your faith in human nature. Never lose that!
He went on to tell me about how lonely he was in that, "big 'ole house of his" and how I could make him so happy with me in it.
But maybe in a way it could be considered esoteric, only just he and I.
Good to hear from you sweetie, I always love your input. :-)8

maggie said...

I did't like the way my good-bye was separated so... :-)8