Friday, June 20, 2008

Onward & Upward, It's All Uphill From Hereon In....

I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted!
I also believe I WAS a whiner when I did.

I also remember that after my lengthy hiatus, I promised that I would only post about positive things. I broke that promise almost immediately for which I'm truly sorry.

While I was wallowing in self pity about being bored, that is not necessarily true. I have so much to be grateful for, that I should kiss the ground I am able to walk on, thanks to my surgery. I just have to have one more surgery on my right hip but that will be in a year or so.
They still have no idea why or how my hips got so damaged at such an early age. It usually happens to athletes but I can't claim that I'm afraid.

Since I have last talked to you, I have gone out to dinner with two wonderful people that I admire tremendously. I also went out to lunch yesterday with a great gal. And I have a number of invitations from others that I am looking forward to keeping.

I never accepted invitations in the past when I was well. Don't ask me why, I don't know for sure. Or do I? Actually, I think I do. I didn't want to get close to people or have the responsibility of keeping one. [ dinner date] Does that make sense to anyone?
None of these invitations are with straight men, that will happen in time I hope. If for no other reason than putting my toes in the water to test the temperature. :-)

I live in a great apartment on the eight floor which has a fantastic view. Downtown is my backyard. Even on crutches I can go and do some light shopping and just enjoy being alive on a beautiful day.
Talk about shopping!! I was out today and had a bag in each hand while still manoeuvring on my crutches when this man came up to me and asked me if I could spare some change.
I said, "Are you for real"?
You had to see me to understand why I responded like I did.
I had a hard time walking with my parcels, nevermind go digging for change.

On that note I wish you all a great weekend and happiness galore,

PS One very important thing I neglected to mention was how wonderful My Rosey is.
She has been a Godsend for me. The unconditional love and devotion I get from her, has a healing power that doesn't come in a bottle. I owe a lot of my recovery to her.


Lemuel said...

Our gals just know what to do, don't they? They can pester us to distraction when we are healthy, but when we are down or ill, they are the very best medicine.

I am glad to hear that the new apt is working out well and that you are venturing into a social life again.

I venture to say with much happiness for you that there are many dimensions to your healing.

maggie said...

Thank you Lemuel, you always know just the right thing to say. A testament to your unwavering friendship that I cherish.

To say that I love and admire you tremendously would be quite accurate.

Hugs Galore,

Ur-spo said...

i thought of you over the weekend; apparently pugs are quite popular in flagstaff; everyone seemed to have one.
i told the owners coming to the beer tent that they could not exchange their dog for a beer; but none seemed interested in trying.

'the dog isn't for sale; everything else is'.

maggie said...

Spo, You just got such a chuckle from me that I almost "spilt my beer". [just joshing but it seemed appropiate].

Rosey is one of a kind. A Godsend to me actually. She has been so good during my recovery that even I can't believe it. When we are going down stairs,(with me on crutches) I tell her to wait for me and she takes one stair at a time.
She has also kept me busy by me having to go out with her in the a.m & p.m. As soon as I'm outside, I feel good.
Without her it would have been so easy for me to have slipped into depression by staying indoors.