Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Matter Of Opinion

I need your help guys....................

There is this young man, (thirty tops) that owns the local convenience store in my neighbourhood. He is from Albania and had lived in Toronto for a couple of years before moving here. We chat about Toronto, his buying an apartment building, his trying to sell his condo. His wife who is a doctor in the navy, but the big topic of discussion is his huge cat and my Rosey.
He said he would e-mail me some pictures of his cat so I could see how big she really is, so I gave him my e-mail address. The cat is HUGE!!

This week he has continued to send me e-mails, even though I see him at the store almost every day. Yesterday I made a point of talking to him about his wife because in one of his e-mails he said that he would like for me to see his apartment building. I said that would be nice because I would get a chance to meet her. [wifey]

Here is my dilemma.......I received this e-mail today and I'm wondering about him.
I'd like your opinion if it's innocent or is there some underlying message.

Hi Maggie.
How are you? It was nice to see you tonight at my work. You look great.Yes,of course you are welcome to meet my wife one day,but right now she is way for a month working on the ship.She works for the navy as a medical doctor, but if you want to see a picture of her I will send it to you. It is a little late and I am going to sleep. I hope you have a nice day tomorrow. Hopefully I will see you around some day.

What do you think??


Lemuel said...

Maggie, keep the conversations public and in his shop. I do not think it is wise for you to "see his apartment".

maggie said...

Hi Lemuel, I had no intention of going to his apartment building but you answered my question. Thanks!!
Not being around men for so long, I thought I might be overreacting.

Lemuel said...

We gotta look out for our Maggie! :)

maggie said...

Have I mentioned how much I love and value our friendship Lemuel?

If I haven't, let me make it quite clear....... I think the world of you and have nothing but the utmost respect for your insightfulness and honesty!!

Bear Hugs Galore!! :)

Shigeki said...

I need to know how hot he is. So I can turn him gay and you don't have to be worried about mis signals that you cannot be sure about? That's an option, no?

Ur-spo said...

i just flew into blog land from a frantic week at the office;
this does not sound well - my spider senses are tingling this man is looking for a fling or worse, will be haunting you.
no more emails i suggest
remember these 2 key words-
limits and structure

maggie said...

What a pleasant surprise!!!
You have me laughing, which is a good thing, no?
He is pretty good looking but I don't think he is gayable. But where you are concerned, who knows?
You are pretty hot stuff!!
I am so happy to hear from you! :)

Hi Spo, I'm on the same page as yours. One time last summer he said he was going home, so he could walk me home. I thought nothing of it at the time. (I'm a lot older than him, at least 10-15years)
I will be careful and thank you for your excellent advice.

Anonymous said...

So he knows where you live?

Girl, bail ship. Now. Change your email, go to another store. It all sounds to familier to me!

maggie said...

Hi BG,
That can also stand for "Big Girl".
Of which I am!! :)
I'm not going to change my e-mail but I will be more aware of his behaviour in the future.
I live in a very secure building so I'm not afraid of that.
I'll just be very cool in my conversations with him, which should give him the message.
I just let my guard down for a minute because he was so young.

Thanks for your input and concern,
Love Maggie