Friday, October 26, 2007


Today it's TGIF, I'm exhausted, so is my leg.

I have mentioned in the past that I have something wrong with my leg, but they are still trying to find out what it is. In the meantime, back at the ranch, ;) it's been giving me a lot of pain lately, today was no exception. As a matter of fact it was downright excruciating.

They called and left a message for physiotherapy today (I was referred in July) so maybe that will help.
I have had every test known to man (I think ) but they are stumped. I also have an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon on Dec. 10 (that was booked last January).
Hopefully he can find the problem.

Enough!!! :) Good News!!

I was able to get enrolled in a Clinical Teaching Course for the fall semester!! Yeah!!
It is very popular and they only allow eight people in the course. The students vary from Doctor's, Dentist's and Professor's new to the teaching environment. It's every Tuesday evening and from what I've heard it's all role-playing and we are video taped doing it the wrong way, then the right way. We all play different characters in everyone's particular situation. This should be a hoot!!!

It's good to be home just blogging and reading blogs.(I have a lot to get caught up on).

Have A Wonderful Weekend Everyone,
Hugs Maggie


steve'swhirlyworld said...

Congratulations! You sound like you're really enjoying the work - now we need to get that leg fixed up!

Lemuel said...

Ah! Not at all happy here in PA to hear about that leg! I hope they find root cause and relief soon for you!

Have fun with that course!

(And of course have a great weekend!)

Ur-spo said...

i am sorry to hear about your bad leg
i suggest having it off; you have a two anyway.

maggie said...

Hi Steve, Thanks for all the encouragement. You really are a sweetie. :)

Hi Lemuel, Thank you my dear. You are a kind and gentle soul.

Now Spo, you are different kettle of fish altogether.
Yes, I do have two, but it's kind of like a chequebook situation.....

You really can't balance the debits without the deposits.

You always make me smile with your dark humor.That's what I love about you! :)

Ur-spo said...

say, i have been away for a week; i do'nt see a recent post here - i hope you are doing OK.