Fourth Station of The Cross
Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother
Good Friday
For those non catholics:
The Friday on which the church keeps the anniversary of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
As a modern tradition, many Catholics (and members of other Christian denominations as well) will only eat fish on Good Friday.
It's only a holiday now but used to be so much more. I went to a catholic school with nuns as teachers. The school was also right next door to the church, so we had to go to every mass and attend every funeral that took place.
To this day, everytime I smell incense, I see the priest shaking the thurible (a metal censer(container) suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services), walking around someone's coffin.
Good Friday was my favorite mass. As a small child I was mesmerized by the priest's attire.
The beautiful muticolored cloaks he wore(vestments), the regal mitra simplex (fancy hat) and holding this big cross in his hands as he went to each wonderous picture. (The Stations of the Cross).
I still have a fixation with these pictures (not a fetish Spo) and would love to have them on my walls .
They are closing down quite a few churches these days so maybe I might get lucky.
Somehow "their loss my gain" doesn't seem appropiate". Will I go to hell? ( That ole' catholic guilt trip ).
"OY!" said the recovering Catholic :) LOL Happy Easter Weekend!
we had a so-so Holy Thursday Mass, and I had to work today, but I am looking forward to Easter Vigil tomorrow. Vigil was my favorite Mass.
Hi Steve, May the Easter Bunny leave you plenty of chocolate.:)
Hi Spo, It's interesting how we all have our favorite.
Enjoy your weekend with Someone.
I would think of your recovering of art from closed churches as a preservation - a kind of act of redemption and salvation. So much of this beautiful art becomes lost.
Hi Lemuel, why thank you kind sir.
That puts a whole new spin on it. :)
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