Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When You're Smiling..........


This little mug can get a smile out of just about anyone. When we are out walking, people smile like they can't control themselves. Isn't that nice? To be able to make people smile. She makes me laugh alot more than I did before I got her.

How about posting pictures of your own pets? Is there a Pet Appreciation Day? If there isn't, there should be.

And if that didn't make you smile, how about this...................



Lemuel said...

What a hoot! My wife bought our princess the exact same pink "princess coat"!

I don't think I've ever seen baby porc's before.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! If I find some free time tonight I will post a pic of someone. I many pets to choose from!

maggie said...

Hi Lemuel, That is a hoot! Any chance we could get a pic ?

Hi BG, I saw some of yours. They are adorable, especially the pooch.