Saturday, March 03, 2007

Snippets of Life


This week a patient(sort of) mailed in an article to the office that she had copied from a toronto rag . It was regarding the dangers of fluoride. It made wild accusations of people dying, especially where one child died from an in office treatment. It went on and on, yada yada yada.
There was no scientific backup for the writer's article just their opinion.
I blame this as "a slow news day".

Here's the kicker........the patient is edentulous, aka....... not a tooth in her head!!

Memory Lane

Someone sent me an e-mail that brought back a memory of years ago when I was a mere child, five maybe?

It was a sunday afternoon and we had company as we usually did in those days. I was playing with my brothers and somehow scraped my leg. I went into the bathroom and brought out a box of bandages to my mom so she could put one on my leg. She was in the living room entertaining our guests and when I came in, there was a sudden silence, then bursts of laughter. My mother took me and the box of "bandages" into the bathroom. I don't remember exactly what happened after that but found out years later why all the fuss.

It was a "box of kotex".
My mother had told me that they were bandages when I had asked her prior to my childhood "faux pas".

Have A Grrreat Week-End!!!


Lemuel said...

Thanks for the chuckles!

I am often amused at people's terror at the very things they are least susceptible to.

In the second place - who knows? Maybe you were bleeding really badly.

maggie said...

Ahhh Lemuel, in the second place, no.
It was a scratch. :)

Anonymous said...

My Mom had a kitty that used her box of Kotex for a kitten farm. They have many uses I suppose. I have seen them made into slippers too. I don't own any of those. *LOL*

maggie said...

Hi BG, slippers...hmmmm, now that one I never heard of. I guess they're for people who 'pussyfoot around". :)