Thursday, January 18, 2007

Would You Recognize This Person In A Line-Up

Yup, it's me. I left home this morning and it was -20 degrees Celsius, -30 with the windchill factor. Brrrrrrr!!!!!!

I bought this jacket at American Eagle two years ago and man it's fantastic. It has so many bells and whistles, I found a couple of new ones today. Those buckles hanging on the side of my face are supposed to be buckled to straps in the back. Who knew? :) I also find a new pocket every time I put it on.

Poor Rosey, taking her out in this weather to go to the can is just downright wrong. got's to do what you got's to do.

The only thing I'm jealous of about men is that they can pee anywhere. They can just whip it out and away they go. The same thing pertains to male dogs.....all they have to do is cock their leg. The poor female doggies have to sit and squat on that freezing snow and ice. :(

Trivia quiz

See if you can identify the tartan of my scarf. It's my last name. :0)


Lemuel said...

I love those jackets with all the neat "bells and whistles". You do look as if you were prepared for the cold!

But as a part of the loyal opposition, I would lodge a protest of you comment about our ability to "whip it out anywhere". Let's just say our dipsticks are also mighty sensitive to the cold night air! Just thinking that gives my willie the willies. Brrrr.


Ur-spo said...

is is the tartan of very cold Scots.

maggie said...

Lemuel, I stand corrected, but....if you really had too, it would be much easier for someone of your persuasion to do so. :)

Spo, Furrrrr Sure!