Friday, January 19, 2007


I always ask for females. I love the roe!!!!

I also love the tomalley in lobsters.

It's friday, what the hey.........!!!

Have a great week-end!!


Lemuel said...

Looks luscious.

I love lobster, but I'll pass on the tomalley. You can have mine.

maggie said...

Thanks, mucho appreciated. :)

Ur-spo said...

i admire your gumpf to cook a lobster. They seems such high maintenance to prepare and to eat.

TigerYogi said...


maggie said...

Spo, I hate to lose your admiration,
but....I have them cook it for me.
When in the country we always cook it ourselves though.

Tiger, Does that mean you are sad for the lobster? :)