Tuesday, January 02, 2007

How Cool Are You?

I received this test from my brother today......


Onward and Upward

Into the New Year that is. My resolutions are few, my reservations are plenty. But it is a new year and we fill our heads of a being a better and more productive person.

There are some resolutions that should be banned. eg.

1) Quitting smoking

2) Joining a gym

3) Going on a diet

4) Stop drinking(alcohol)

These are commitments that should not be made on New Year's. To do so is asking for failure. It's too much pressure and the average person is not prepared for the determination it takes to follow them through. They have good intentions but unfortunately it takes a lot more than that.
Some do succeed but alas only a few.

Here's to the few that do....


steve'swhirlyworld said...

14 years smoke-free as of 1/1...it's one of the few resolutions that I kept.

maggie said...

Congrads, you are one of the few.

I'm thinking that you were ready for it and just picked New Year's to do it.
That's what makes the difference, sincerity and wishful thinking.

Ur-spo said...

mark twain once gave up all those things - for 2 or 3 hours - and it helped his lumbago.
He recommended this remedy to an elderly lady friend who had gone down and down to the point medicine had no help for her. He told her she would be cured in a week if she gave up smoking and drinking and eating and swearing.
But she couldn't give up these things as she never done them in the first place.
So she had neglected her habits.
She was a sinking ship with no freight to throw overboard. one or two little bad habits would have saved her.

TigerYogi said...

That test was just so wrong!! ;)

maggie said...

Tiger, I agree. What the hell was he thinking? I sent it to my older sister and asked her what she thought of it.
Stupid, she says. Yeah! I thought it was just me and my mood.

maggie said...

Ur-Spo, do you really think so?

steve'swhirlyworld said...

You're right...I was ready to quit, and I wanted to do it on a day that I would remember. My dad died from it, so that kind of help me keep it going.

maggie said...

I'm sorry about your dad. Both my parents are dead and I miss them very much.