Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Memories Last Forever

I used to work in a clinic in Toronto that only dealt with patient's that had a phobia of the dentist. We had to work on them under a general anesthetic or with tranquilizers, followed up with nitrous oxzide. All this because of a bad experience they had as children.

I now make it a personal mission to make children's experience at the dentist a fun and postive experience. We have a ball. When I first started at this clinic I saw maybe one child every few months. I guess word got out. Now I see tons of them.

I love to have children draw me pictures. They put so much thought and effort in them to please me . The interpretation of them blows me away.

Below are a few examples......

The small print says To Maggie, you're great at what you do.

That made my day!

Maria (8)(top left)
The bird has teewt, teewt coming out of it's mouth. It took me awhile to catch that one.

Jacob(9) (bottom right) The Milky Way, the moon has circles in it (swiss cheese).

I have a large operatory and sometimes have a family of four children in the room at the same time. They are on the floor coloring or asking questions that I try to answer to the best of my ability. :) I love their questions. I love children. (the nice ones)

I hope that when they are older they will look back on these visits with fond memories.


Ur-spo said...

nothing is more odd than another peron's phobias. spiders, yes, but having your choppers cleaned?
We kids loved to do to the dentist. Thanks to Claudia the dental hygeinist, who made the whole thing a hoot and a day trip.

maggie said...

People actually vomit they are so freaked out.

TigerYogi said...

That is so great! :)

maggie said...

Thank you Tiger. :)