Sunday, July 23, 2006

Wow, over a week since I wrote anything. Time flies when you're having fun. I have two house guests which have been taking up my time. Princess, who has moved in until she goes to Calgary and Darkstar for two weeks while her owners are away.

I realized that when living alone you get into very selfish routines. Some not always good. With myself, I have become somewhat of a hermit. Not anymore.......

This is the first time in my life that I have ever lived alone and thought I loved it?? Having Princess here has been a great change for the better. We go out shopping, eating, drinking, and then come home to chat, watch a movie, whatever. Waking up in the morning and laughing over coffee. Just being happy and laughing a lot is wonderful.

Now Kitty is not the same shy kitty that was with me 3 months ago. She arrived by carriage, with bag and litter box (in someone else's hand) and immediately made herself at home. She even brought along her own hacienda. Some tubular structure that has 2 levels, 2 self-contained compartments , covered with carpet. Quite the drum.
I didn't see that one comin'.
Okee........... it took George 4 trips to bring in all her stuff. She has also gotten very saucy. I was told to give her ONE treat a day. (I confess to overindulging her last visit).
Her first nite with me, I picked her up to snuggle(after a treat) and when I put her down she swiped my leg with her paw. Not nice.
Today I refused her demand for a treat and when I left her in the kitchen, she started banging the cupboard door open and shut with her paw. (For quite a while I might add).

This might seem like blattering to you, but it is quite a revelation to me. I will miss my little family when they leave.

Holy Shit!!!

I just went to pet HELLCAT (which she has now been offically christened), and she literally nailed me. My finger is bleeding! She was lying on my bed and I innocently went over to pet her. I don't think she will be receiving another invite. I might like company BUT I'm not a sadist.
What the hell happened in 3 months?? She comes from a loving family.

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