Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Today I just found out by accident(surfing), that someone I was quite fond of is dead. I never met him, only talked over the telephone, read his letters and e-mails to my friend. Always sending his fondest regards to me thru her. I had the greatest admiration for his wit and humor and just the slightest crush because of this.
My friend Janet had been his literary agent in England and they always kept in touch. I have one of his books Bedlam, signed with an endearing note.
John died April 11, 2005 of acute pancreatitis.
I haven't spoken with Janet for over six years due to a situation that I couldn't forgive her.
It involved the murder of a man, leaving 2 small children and her befriending the woman I held responsible for his death.
Janet is quite a lot older than me and has taught me things about life that I never would have experienced myself.
I'm just very sad right now.

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