Wednesday, May 03, 2006

May 3 1988
The White House confirms stories that President Ronald Reagan's travel and public appearances are scheduled around astrological data furnished by a mystic in San Francisco. The astrologer also supplies input to the timing of critical international events, such as a recent arms control summit in Iceland.

"So Speaks The Soothsayer", Joan Quigley, was running The United States of America from 1981-1989 ??? I always thought it was Nancy!!!!!

Love is fleeting.....................

I know I'm fickle, but.............I thought I could last longer than this. That cat (notice I'm not using kitty) is not all that!! It's cute, granted, but it has terrible personal hygiene. (I'm kinda' particular about that). It's long fur drags stuff from its' litter box, and I'm not talking gravel! Jeez, I'm even using the term "it" now, I'm a terrible person. I was asking people today how you bathe a cat. It's gotta be done if I am too cohabitate with her.

It's getting serious, tonite when I got home, she was licking herself(cleaning?) and I said to her "you better be cleaning your arse." I peeked a couple of seconds later, and their she was................., weird.

All said and done, now I know why I don't have a cat!

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