Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Maggie Has Gone On Vacation



I'm going on holiday tomorrow folks, I guess you know where from my pictures.
I'm very excited, as I've been housebound for the past couple of months. Rosey is going also which is even more wonderful. I'll "talk" to you all later when I get back.
In the meantime, be good to yourself, and I will be thinking of you all while I'm away.

Love Maggie.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What's Your Opinion??

Mr. Gay Europe 2008
Posted: 07/11/08 4:09PM

"Mr. Gay Europe" is a beauty contest with participants from twenty nations competing for the title of the most attractive gay man of the continent. Find out who wore home the crown.

And the Winner is.........

Spain's Antonio Pedro Almijez

I don't know about you but I've seen a lot cuter guys than him.
He must have a hot body that we haven't been privy too!!!

¿Cuál es la creteria para este concurso?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lemuel Got Me Thinking

To some it is The Lakeview House, but to me it is my grandparents house where I had some of most wonderful memories. When I was so cold from toboganning or ice skating, or just cold from the walk to school. My grandmother would take off our wet clothes and hang them on the stove oven to dry out. This was when she would bake us molasses cookies, help her dye her hair to a magnificent blue. Roll her makings(cigarettes) for her at the tender age of eight. Watch as she put on her make-up by her bed.(that was when rouge came in a bottle). I'll never forget the time when I wanted pierced earings. I walked around all day with clothes pins on my ears to numb them and then when my mom went to put a needle in my ear, I fainted.

Then my nana brought out the cure for all evils...... Pearl Brandy. She also gave me that when I got the measles. They(my grandparents) had a fireplace in their bedroom, and I don't know how old I was (VERY young) and one night when I sleeping over, I found her walking around with her housecoat on fire. I was young but knew I had to put it out. I wrapped her in a blanket from the bed.
When my father, grandmother and grandfather all died in the same year, it was too much for my mother and she sold the old house! We were kids and had no say.

Here is what became of it.....

Description of Property:

Located in Big Pond, Nova Scotia, "Lakeview House" is a two-and-one-half storey, three bay façade, Gothic Revival style building. It was built in 1882, as a residence and inn. It is located on East Bay Highway beside the entrance to the Loch Lomond Road overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake in the village of Big Pond. Both the building and surrounding property are included in the municipal designation.

Heritage Value:

The heritage value of Lakeview House, as recognised in its municipal designation, is in its age; Gothic Revival style; and its associations with merchant, Allan Morrison.The house was built in 1882 by prominent Big Pond merchant Allan Morrison, who lived there with his family and operated it as an inn. It also served as a state coach stop, where passengers were picked up and dropped off, and where drivers could change their horse teams. The house is a good example of the Gothic Revival style in Cape Breton and one of the older buildings in Big Pond. Lakeview House retains its many of its original Gothic Revival elements including, a gable roof with central cross gable dormer with pointed window and hood cornice. The house also retains many original interior elements, inlcuding decorative elements, doors and floors. Source: CBRM Heritage Property Files: H 2.

Character Defining Elements:

Character-defining elements of Lakeview House include:- two-and-one half stories;- symmetrical design;- three bay facade;- all elements of the Gothic Revival style including, gable roof with central cross gable dormer with pointed window and hood cornice molding and surrounding trim, central doorway, two-over-two double hung windows with hood cornice molding and surrounding trim; - shingle cladding;- central low slope roof entrance porch with lower paneling and four-over-four windows;- location on the East Bay Highway, beside the Loch Lomond Road overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake;- rubble stone foundation.Character-defining elements original to the interior of Lakeview House include:- basic structure and layout of center hall plan;- plaster walls;- plaster crown moldings;- central varnished staircase rising two stories;- doors and trim;- hardwood and softwood floors;- slate fireplace mantle.

I miss it very much!!

Saturday, July 05, 2008


This is going to be a postive meme that I made up because I think everyone needs to realize what's important in their life.

The Meme is........name five things that you love in your life and why. Here goes........

1. My Daughter Natalie.
I love her more than life itself. I never wanted to have another child because I would have to share that love. Sounds weird? That love is reciprocated ten times over.
Unconditional love, there's nothing like it in this world.

2. My Family.
My family is reserved but when the chips are down, they are there for me. I have always been the wild child, but if ever I needed them, they were there. I am an independent person but with my past surgery I have had to ask for help. They were there for me night and day.

3. Rosey.
This little girl has gotten me through a difficult period in my life. My surgery, the trauma I went through before I had it, and the recovery. To hear her quiet?? snoring in the night, gives me peace that I am not alone. (To those who don't know , Rosey is my darling pug).

4. My New Apartment
I LOVE IT!!!! It's downtown, cosy and gorgeous. I live on the eight floor and have a fantastic view. I also mingle with the other tenants on the elevator or walking their dogs. This is very good for me as my tendency to be a recluse was not healthy for me and my depression.

5. My New Hip
OMG, this has given me a new lease on life. I can walk normally and without pain (although I still use one crutch for now). No one and I mean NO ONE can know what this is like unless they have gone through it themselves.

No one has to do this meme but I would dearly like to know what my blog friends love in their life.