Monday, September 24, 2007


I had my first day of teaching clinic last Friday.

What a GREAT day I had!!
I love what I do and to be able to teach young people what I love best, was absolutely FANTASTIC!! The students that I had were wonderful, eager and anxious to learn.

I didn't want to be the typical teacher, their way or no way. We have evaluation sheets that we have to fill out at the end of the clinic. There is Acceptable or Unacceptable. Before I filled it out, I asked the student questions regarding their work and what they thought of it.
Depending on how they answered, affected my final evaluation.
Remember, this is only their first day in clinic after their summer recess.

I find that explaining where they went wrong in a positive way and discussing it with them, helps them more than just writing it down for them to read later. Also, praise with criticism goes a long way in my opinion.

I also had a couple of students that fibed a bit.
eg. Intra-oral exam, Moi, "I didn't see you using your mirror to observe the palate". Student, "Oh, yes I did". I said, "Oh, I must have missed that".
We both knew that she didn't, but you can bet your bottom dollar that she won't forget again.

We have an employee in our practice that has a couple of friends in the dental program. Today I had a comment on my facebook from her (she's off this week)................

She said, "Hey Maggie, you got rave reviews from your students! Congrats"!

That made my day!!

Have a wonderful week...............................


Ur-spo said...

nothing like youngsters to keep you fresh and excited and on your toes
good luck with all this.

Lemuel said...

Someone in PA is not at all surprised by the newbie clinic teacher getting rave reviews. [yawn] [giggle]

Given your approach, you will make a great teacher! Positively motivated students learn more. I also think that you are teaching more than the technical aspects of your subject. You are teaching your students by your example how they can handle the people who will eventually be in their care.

maggie said...

Hi Spo, You are so right and thanks for the good wishes. :)

Thank you Lemuel, but I was really surprised. You never know what's going on in people's heads.

Given your 2nd do do know me so well? You must be in my head 24/7. I have missed you my dear. XXXOOO