Friday, August 10, 2007

90/10 Rule...............

Hey, no cutting in line!!!
By Mike Lindblom

Seattle Times staff reporter

Seattle Police officers Lyndell Jones and Jeff Rodgers carry out a unique mission: They're the only cops in the state who can bust drivers for simply cutting in line.

Seattle police traffic officer Lyndell Jones talks to a driver pulled over for cutting in line where traffic from the West Seattle Bridge merges onto northbound Interstate 5.

How many times have you been upset/pissed off at someone who has cut you off while driving or at a grocery checkout? Then there are the people who think nothing of standing in front of you during a movie [after it's begun], rude sales people, or just plain assholes who get a kick out of being obnoxious. I could go on and on..........

Last week I was at my psychiarist's and during our session, she told me about the 90/10 Rule.
The way she explained it, she implied that she came up with it.

She gave me homework. I was to keep a log of the number of times I allowed other people to upset me and then use the Rule to let it go.

Just for the heck of it, I googled it today and it looks like it wasn't her invention.

(Story) The 90/10 Rule

What I understand from the whole thing is; don't allow other people or situations to get to you. If you do, you are letting them drain your strength and energy.

You only allow them [be it family or friends too] 10% of you and no more!
The other 90% belongs to you and no one else!!!

It sounds interesting, so I am going to do my homework like a good little girl. :)


Anonymous said...

My hubby follows this rule only he is more like 96/4 I think. He has only been visibly upset with me a total of maybe three times in our history. That's like six or so years. Me? I'm mad at him like maybe three times a week. In fact I'm mad at him just for not being mad at me. So there.

;)I'm totally smiling you know.

Lemuel said...

That's interesting. I guess I would want to ask how one knows what 10% is? How do you determine that? Did you Doc give you any hints as to how to determine that boundary?

maggie said...

Hi BG, How does he deal with unpleasant or rude people in the outside world?

Hi lemuel, I asked her but she side stepped my question by giving me an example. So.......left to my own interpretation, my take on it is, you give other people very little control(10%) over negative reactions you might have to their actions.
[intentionally or unintentionally on their part].