Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nova Scotia’s children are about to get a safety boost, as the province kicks off a campaign to raise awareness about a new law requiring kids up to age nine to buckle up in booster seats.

Beginning Jan. 1, anyone transporting children under the age of nine, unless they’re more than 145 centimetres tall, or four-foot-nine, will be required to make sure those children are properly secured in an infant seat, child seat or booster seat.

"Compared to using a seatbelt alone, booster seats have been shown to reduce the risk of severe head injuries and other severe injuries . . . by up to four times," said Dr. Natalie Yanchar, medical director of IWK Trauma Care.

My Query

What about adults who are under four-foot-nine?

Hell, they're out there driving the gawd damn vehicle!!!!

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