Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Just Say Gingivitis

There was a Canada wide contest for those dental offices who wished to participate called "Just say gingivitis". The main prize was a trip and the three secondary ones were for three tv's.
One of our patients won a tv and this is a letter thanking us. The couple in question live in the country in a trailer park with no telephone and are the sweetest people you would want to meet. He does beautiful wood carvings made from the bark of trees and now does ones made from old pieces of telephone poles. Wood spirits he calls his art, they are really something to see.

Anyway here is the letter verbatim......

Dear Dr.'s.........

I just wanted you to have an update on the TV prize. It came by courier on Oct. 16. We hoped it was "mostly box" but it's all TV! They said in the "Congradulation" letter that it was 23" but it is a 26" Panasonic LCD Viera. The hole in our entertaiment unit is old style square and the tv is long and on a pedestal. We rearranged the living room (all six feet of it) so the tv would be eye level and on something solid (slim but heavy). The room looked like a couple of college students dumped their various articles and piled the furniture on one side. I'm surprised the RV didn't tip over. So last saturday D*** took the cirrcular saw to the ET unit and cut it down to half. Now
A) The tv is eye level in front of us. B) We have more light and view. C) We don't have to look at the paint can in the corner. D) We can watch paint dry on that big TV. It took us days to set the picture via remote (three choices).
We don't know all it can do because we're not on digital cable and not frequent DVD renters.
That's a whole world we don't understand. We've never won anything let alone something more valuable than our car. I feel like putting bars on the doors and windows. We should insure the "TV" and have the RV and car as "riders".
Thanks for entering us in the contest and see you in 2007.

What the hell is sweeter than that? I just had to share.
Sometimes good things happen to good people. I wish more often though.......

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