Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I so, so love Dan Savage XXXOOO

Dear Dan,

I love my husband so, so much. He's so, so good to me. But there's another man I'm so, so attracted to. I don't want to jeopardize my marriage but I'm afraid I might in a moment of weakness. At the same time, I don't want to give up the activity where I see this other man, because the activity (martial-arts study) is a really important part of my life.

So, So Married


Hm. You can't stop seeing this other man because you study martial arts with him and that's such an important part of your life—unlike, say, your marriage—and as everyone knows there's only one martial-arts school on the whole freakin' planet. So you're pretty much condemned to spend time with this other man until the inevitable inevitability inevitably happens.

Puh-leeze, SSM. If your husband doesn't rate the supreme sacrifice of switching to some other martial-arts school, then nothing I can say is going to stop you from getting what you so, so desperately want. But after you fuck this other guy, SSM, don't run around pretending that you were just a victim of cruel circumstance—martial arts made me do it!—and not the so, so guilty instigator.


steve'swhirlyworld said...

LOL...hysterical...and true.

maggie said...

Hi Steve. :)