Sunday, June 04, 2006

Jun 4 1939
After already having been turned away by Cuba, the SS St. Louis is also denied permission to land in Florida. So it is forced to return to Europe with its cargo of 963 Jewish refugees, most of whom will later die in Nazi concentration camps.

God Bless America.......
I wonder what Canada would have done?

Death is Inevitable

Every person who smokes, is going to die. Every person who never smokes, is going to die.

Every person who is "overweight", is going to die. Every person who is never "overweight", is going to die.

Every person who uses illicit drugs, is going to die. Every person who never uses illicit drugs, is going to die.

Every person who drinks alcohol, is going to die. Every person who never drinks alcohol, is going to die.

Every person who fails to heed the advice of health advocates, is going to die. Every person who devotedly follows all the advice of health advocates, is going to die.

It's all a matter of time. What we do with that time, interim, is our choice.

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