Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Quote for The Day

Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

Yesterday I had an e-mail from my brother. He has set up e-mail addresses for my neice and nephew. They are twins, almost seven, Maddy and Calum Duncan.They are the most beautiful children, inside and out. We worry about Calum because he is so gentle and kind. How is he to survive in such a cruel world? They must have been on their father's gluteus maximus for a while now about this.
Anyway, their parents are busy of course, and to reach them by phone is, let's say difficult. The twins have taken it into their own hands, literally. I have had five e-mails from them already, with attached files no less. Pictures of badgers, puppies, baby penguins, telling me they hope I like them. And they love me vary, vary much!
Calum is my sole mate, but Maddy is like me, she has a phenomenal memory.

If only we could all stay like children.......... Nice dream, huh.

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