Monday, May 08, 2006

May 8 1991
In a room at Little Rock's Excelsior Hotel, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton exposes his penis to state employee Paula Jones and propositions her to perform fellatio. In her civil deposition, Jones will later claim to have witnessed certain "distinguishing characteristics" of the governor's genitalia, the precise nature of which soon becomes the subject of much speculation. For her trouble, Jones eventually receives an out-of-court settlement for $850,000 and a nude pictorial in Penthouse magazine.

The previously vague allegations were clarified on Oct. 15 in the Washington Times. Having seen the Jones affidavit, the Times reported that Clinton had "a distinctly angled bend visible when the penis is erect." :-)

Although people claim that women have penis envy, our society actually has a penis obsession. We love penises! The penis, even in our modern age, still symbolizes power. Men cherish their penises, name them and love them as they love their cars, even going so far as to wax them lovingly until they shine.

I won't even get into the maypole!

On a lighter note, here in the maritimes, the sun is shining, it's warm and great to be alive. I'm off today, went shopping and now I'm having lobster for lunch.

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