Thursday, November 23, 2006

Method To My Madness

My previous post had to do with a comment on a fellow blogger's post. It was in regards to sexual abuse. He suggested the punishment should reflect in gradations to the sexual assualt that occurred. I personnally don't agree with that.
Like insurance for example, if you lose a finger, leg , arm or whatever, you receive different amounts of compensation. ($)

In sexual abuse, you have to take into account who's doing the abusing. I was fondled(sleeping) by a person(relative) that was a father figure to me. It was more devastating to me than when I was raped by a friend's friend. This is a different time from the one below.

I think I have been sexually molested more than your average person. Always when I have been sleeping(4 or 5 times) or incapacitated. I was remembering today how I was a victim of date rape. It was a blip on my memory radar. There was this guy that liked me but I wasn't interested. One nite my girlfriend's??? and I were out partying and the next thing I remember I was waking up in this guy's bed. He slipped something in my drink, I would never have been there under normal circumstances. The last thing I remembered was being in the bar.

I have survived these situations by telling myself that they might have abused my body but not my soul. My body is only a vessel.

"The body is mortal, but the person dwelling in the body is immortal and immeasurable."
- Bhagavad Gita

What really gets me, is that I'm not "out there". No sexual innuendoes, no overt clothing,
I was just a really sweet, nice person.

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