Saturday, October 14, 2006

Perfection Personified

Apparently a double curl in a pugs tail is considered so. That's my Rosey! I don't think she could get it tighter. haha

The heat is OVER, thank gawd! Spaying is top of my agenda of things to do. I made lite of it but it really was a pain in the keister. I never want to see kiddies panties again!!

Future chillum...... uh, nope. Sorry!

Speaking of panties

My seven year old neice was up in the city with her dad yesterday. (my brother) He was receiving an award for his work( he's an enviromentalist) and could bring one guest. Maggie, sorry, Maddie it was. :)

She wanted to come and meet Rosey but we had a terrific rain storm and he couldn't make it to my place so they stayed at my sister's. Anyway, they called me that evening and when I was talking to Maddie, she asked me why Rosey wore panties. (I had sent a picture).

She was in heat I responded and um, and um, and another um, I didn't know what the hell to say!

"Was she on her period?" Maddie asked.

Quickly I said, yeah, that's right. Got off the hook on that one, BUT a seven year let me off it!'

I think she set me up!!

1 comment:

maggie said...

Innocence went out the window a long time ago it seems. :)
I asked her what she would like for her birthday and she told me a Webkin. It's kind of a virtual reality animal that you take care of online. She told me the site to go to and then scroll down and click on an icon and that would tell me the stores in Halifax that sell it. I kid you not. It was her term "scroll down" that got me. She has her own e-mail address too.
And sends me pictures. You gotta love it. :)