Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 6 2002
Dutch right-wing politician Pim Fortuyn is shot six times in the head as he leaves a recording studio in Hilversum, near Amsterdam. His party platform was based on repeal of the discrimination clause of the constitution, an odd position considering that Fortuyn was homosexual. It is not clear what assassin Volkert van der Graaf's motive was, speculations ranging from Fortuyn's public statements regarding fur farming (van der Graaf is a founder of that country's Animal Liberation Front) to his sympathies towards Dutch Muslims.

Interesting................The nationalism of Pim Fortuyn

Saturday.................................lazy day, if you want. And I want! I can afford to be lazy today as I'm off Monday. YEAH!!!!! No holiday, just an off day. Darkstar and I have bonded? Maybe compatible is more apropos. She does her thing and I do mine. Nothing! But we respect each other's nothingness.

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